Family Justice Center
The Family Justice Center is made for families, providing services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and elder abuse by providing critial referrals to community partners.
Our Mission
Enable victims of crime (domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, etc.) to seek safety, healing and self-sufficiency by improving timely access to essential community services, providing crisis intervention and support, educating victims about choices, and facilitating necessary legal intervention.
What We Provide
- FREE one-stop clinic providing legal advice on family, elder and tenant law ONLY.
- Immigrant Legal Services available on only the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Tuesdays of the month.
- Weekly community services available include law enforcement victim advocates, community advocates, Utah Housing Authority and Provo Housing Authority.
- First Tuesdays also include Division of Child and Family Services, Wasatch Mental Health, and assistance with medical insurance.
Tuesday Evenings Clients accepted from 5 pm - 8 pm
Due to holidays, the FJC will be CLOSED on the following days: 12/24/24, 12/31/24
Please note our room changes for the following dates: 10/1/24 - Heath and Justice Building - 2500; 10/15, 10/22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/12 - Historic County Courthouse (51 S. University Ave, Provo) 2nd Floor Check-in
Utah County Health and Justice Building 151 South University Avenue Room 1601 Provo, Utah 84601
Frequently asked questions
Have a different question and can't find the answer you're looking for? Reach out to our support team by sending us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
- When is the best time to come?
- There's no "best" time to arrive as we can't anticipate how many people will be attending the clinic. Our doors open at 5:00 PM, and arriving earlier won't reduce your wait time. Wait time depends on the number of volunteer attorneys and clients that evening. We accept clients until 8:00 PM, unless we reach capacity earlier.
- How long is the wait?
- The wait time varies. Our clinic operates on a first-come-first-serve basis. Because our attorneys spend as much time as needed with each client to ensure their questions are answered, it is difficult to estimate the wait time. We have magazines and a movie playing to help ease the wait time; however, I would plan on bringing something to work on or read while you wait.
- Are there income guidelines for legal help?
- Yes. Currently, the attorneys for family legal and tenant law are only able to help those individuals who are in the category of 200% of the poverty guideline or below. There is no income guideline for any of the community services or immigration help. Proof of income is not required. If your case is directly involving a crime, income limits may not apply.
- Can any of the attorneys represent me?
- No. Our clinic is focused on providing non-bias legal advice ONLY. Low-cost attorney referrals are available, should clients need to retain an attorney. For more information, you can refer to the Timpanogos Legal Services website.
- Can I print my documents at the clinic?
- No. Unfortunately, due to our non-profit status, we are unable to print large amounts of documents for clients at this time.
- Can I apply for food stamps, financial assistance, etc at the clinic?
- Yes. A laptop and volunteers are available to help navigate through The Division of Workforce Services initial online application process. We do not have information about eligibility and are unable to troubleshoot any issues with your case. Please contact Division of Workforce Services with any questions or concerns.
- Are you open any other time?
- No. We currently only have volunteers available to help on Tuesday evenings. If you would like assistance from our community partners other days of the week, you may contact us directly and leave a message for us to return your call. We can talk to you about your situation and refer you to the appropriate agencies if you are unable to come on Tuesday evenings. You can call us at (801)851-8508. We return call throughout the week, but not daily.
- Do I need to bring any documents?
- Yes. All legal documents pertaining to the case you are coming to discuss are very helpful to bring and will ensure you get the best legal advice available. Income verification is NOT required.
- Do I have to be a victim of a crime to get services?
- If you are coming for legal assistance yes, you need to be a victim of a crime or qualify by income. If you're coming for community resources, no, we're able to assist anyone.
- I went to the Family Justice Center and didn't feel like I got the help I needed. What do I do now?
- If you had an issue with the legal advice offered, you may ask for a different attorney to speak with or discuss your complaint directly with Susan Griffiths, who is the lead attorney. If you have a non-legal complaint, you may contact Amberly Bateman, amberlyb@utahcounty.gov or 801-851-8508.